Titan Outdoor Meeting

I have been wanting to get involved with the placing of advertisements so I got in touch with Titan Outdoor, they are the agency that place ads and win the space for it also. After a few emails back and forth with the Senior Creative - David Sore, I went to London and looked through the work they produce for pitches and their client based records. He looked through my portfolio and was impressed by how a lot of my work is context driven. Although I couldn’t take any of the brochures away he gave me a few postcards which they send out with other mail as a form of advertisiment although to be honest I thought the design could have been stronger. After looking at their client base I thought it is probably a wiser idea to move onto the agencies that target Titan as the source of exposure and advertising space. But I will most definitely be keeping in touch with David for advice and possible live briefs to help with my project.

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