Mid Point Evaluation - 18th March

The subject area I am focusing on is still ambient media but also the relevance of design verses advertising and where the cross over’s lie. I am looking at various adverts that use ambient media and then looking into that company but only touching the surface, it hasn’t been in depth enough with appropriate or specific questions.

The form of research is mainly blog and a few typed up interviews but to date nothing solid, I am going to create and form a good questionnaire to email to specific agencies, designers and advertisers of interest and get relevant feedback then from that choose a company to produce a case study for. Because the majority of my research is on my blog the visual material I have is mainly digital, after selecting and looking at companies more thoroughly I want to select brilliant images to use in my final research which will be print based. Any printed matter I find has been included in my visual material. Although again the majority of work is digital I fell I have been exploring the area well just not with enough clarity, I will use the rest of my time to clear up any issues with my findings.

As well as crits within the group and tutorials I have found uploading my own work onto my blog gives me a chance to really look and evaluate my work, I usually post my work a short while after completion so it is nice to see it all with fresh eyes.

I want to look more into the appropriateness of ambient media and what the designer’s role is within the placement of advertising. Is it more the advertisers role to place the ads or is it a conferred agreement? Do advertisers see designers as Mac monkeys? Or designers see advertisers as control freaks?

I want to use the medium of ambient media to simply have fun with brands rather than direct a specific audience, I feel this will give my work more variety and allow me to explore lots of different avenues when producing work for the briefs.

My intention to create a body of work that is around the idea of full service graphics, including mail drops, billboards, posters, and flyers, rather than just concentrating on billboards. To make sure my designs and briefs are well informed I will be looking at companies, which produce this kind of full service campaign.

I have moved on from my initial point which was to produce more guerrilla style advertising whereas now I want it to be more brand led as the companies I aspire to work for have the high client list and brand based portfolios. My development can be seen on my blog as well as my research file which has all the main stages of my development in. right now there are no workshops I necessarily need but I wont be afraid if it ever becomes relevant as screen print is an area which really inspires me.

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